Half Yearly Update

With this year flying by so fast, our educators at Medowie Gumnut Preschool have been very busy following the children’s interests. This ranged from learning about experiments, making snow, learning colours, numbers and shapes, developing  fine and gross motor skills along with social and emotional skills, learning about seasons, dinosaurs, different animals, how to protect our earth, hairdressers, gardening, sustainability, recycling, and how to look after our environment.

Along with these interests, we have also been developing bonds with our friends and educators as we learn how to take turns, interact as part of a group, and expand our imagination, knowledge and skills through many play based experiences. We have had visits from members of our community such as the Mobile Library, the Medowie Bushfire Brigade, The African Drummer workshop, Bob the Reptile Man and Margo from Pacific Smiles.

We look forward to more fun, laughs and learning across the second half of the year.

Sharon Hales, Educational Leader.


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